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12 Dec

Did you know that there are £31.1 billion worth of unclaimed pensions in the UK? It can be hard to keep track of your pension, especially if you’ve had several jobs over the years, each with their own pension scheme. So, what can you do to recover your lost pension?

Has your pension been refunded?

If it’s been a while, your old employer may have refunded your pension contributions. This could be the case if:

●    You worked at the company for less than 15 years and left that job before 1975.
●    You left the job between April 1975 and April 1988, unless you were over 26 when you left or worked at that company for over 5 years.
●    You worked there for less than 2 years and left your employer after 1988.

Dig out the paperwork

Dig through your employment contracts and pay slips to see if they show your pension details. Pension schemes usually send you a statement every year. If you have one of these statements, it should include contact details of the pension provider, alongside some key information like your pension plan number and how much money is in the pension.

Contact your old employer

If you’ve lost track of your pension, and you don’t have statements, pay slips, or other documents with the above information, your old employer may be able to help. If you remember the name of the company and they are still in business, contact them armed with as many details as possible, such as:

●    Your national insurance number
●    Your pension plan number
●    The date you started the pension
●    The employer you had the pension with
●    The date the pension was set up

Use a pension tracking service

You can use the government's pension tracking system to find the contact details for your personal or workplace pension provider. This is a free service that will help you find the contact details of your pensions administrator. They cannot tell you whether you have a pension with the provider or how much money is in the pension, so you will have to contact the administrator directly using the information provided to get more information.

Should you combine your pensions?

Some people may find it simpler to combine their various pensions into one pot. This could increase the value of your earnings, give you access to a wider amount of investment options, lower charges by only giving you one set of fees rather than fees associated with multiple pensions, and also simplify things by giving you less paperwork, only one login, and the ability to see all your pension money in one go, which can help you plan for the future.

There can be downsides to combining your pension, however. Some pensions may come with special benefits which you could lose if you transfer your money, and there may be financial penalties for transferring your money.

For advice tailored to your circumstances, give us a call on 0345 450 4660.

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